I was born in Austria and spent most of my childhood in Vienna. From very early on I was fascinated by any form of creativity. I remember vividly singing songs and learning to write letters before I started kindergarten at around two years old. Throughout my school years I was invovled in every art project offered and enjoyed extra music lessons. After graduating from high school I would have liked to enroll in a fashion school but was persuaded to do something more conventional. I completed my Masters in History at the University of Vienna and moved to southern Spain the same year. After my daughter was born I finished another degree in journailsm and started doing ceramics, wood carving and rediscovered my love for sewing.
Around 2011 I created the first fabric designs and published some sewing patterns, collaborating with several German companies until I became one of the permanent designers for Swafing fabrics in 2015. Since then I have been designing two fabric collections a year, mainly for clothing, as well as some smaller ones for the important trade fairs.
I am really excited about venturing into designing for the patchwork/ quilting sector and hope there will more of my designs to be seen in the future.